
The core themes of our research are energy in its new ways of production, distributed energy systems, energy storages and sustainable mobility. We work on system level of energy of buildings, districts and cities.

Sustainable sources of energy include solar photovoltaic energy, wind energy, hydro power and biomass. We focus on the electrical form of energy distribution, as well as on heat transfers. We also work with storages in electrochemical, thermal and chemical forms. A very wide spectrum of energy users are considered, from home appliances to large ships.

Collaboration & partners

Collaboration with experts in the frame of international Task Forces or Working Groups allows us to keep up-to-date with technology progress and future trends in the key domains of NERC activities.

– IEA – PVPS Task 13 aims at supporting market actors to improve the operation, the reliability and the quality of PV components and systems.

– The DERlab association (EU + USA) gather competences of leading laboratories and research institutes in the field of distributed energy resources equipment and systems, developing joint requirements and quality criteria for the connection and operation of distributed energy resources (DER) and supporting consistent development of DER technologies.

– Collaborators of NERC are members of different Standardisation Committees in the fields of EMC and System aspects of electrical energy supply.

Partnerships in Finland and abroad

The NERC group has developed a network of partners with complementary competences in Finland and abroad. The partnerships aim at creating and realising together new research projects.

Below you can find a selection of our partners in Finland and abroad.